You can camp in the U.K. during the coronavirus pandemic. Camping in the U.K. is not a problem. As a matter of fact, this is a solo activity, and it usually takes place outside. These are two great anti-covid prevention steps for reducing the spread of the pandemic.  The U.K.’s Department of Health and Social Care is the nation’s leading health agency. This organization provides guidance about camping during the pandemic. First, they let U.K. residents know that they can camp during the Covid crises. They recommend that campers select  a camping destination near their home. The agency also informs campers that they should bring masks for their holiday. An outbreak could occur in the location where they’re camping and they should be prepared in the event that it does. Another great tip from the Department of Health and Social Care is for campers to be vaccinated before traveling to their camp site. Even though campers are primarily outdoors, that isn’t a 100% guarantee they will not be infected by the virus.

Campers should make sure everyone in their party is vaccinated or at least willing to mask up if they are not. Other recommendations include bringing enough sanitation supplies to reduce the risk of the coronavirus. Lots of soap and hand sanitizer is useful in outdoor camping situations. Extra water for cleaning purposes is also necessary as well. People should also bring wipes and other items for cleaning themselves and for cleaning doorhandles, sinks, and even outdoor toilets when necessary. Remember, camping remains a popular activity during the pandemic during the pandemic. However, everyone who does it should be mindful of the pandemic.